消费者有“名牌心理”,商品就有“名牌效应”。于是奸商们便大玩“商标魔方”,偷梁换柱,以次充好,甚至以劣充优……其结果富了奸商,坑了消费者。 Y货变名牌 去年国庆节,笔者进城想买件中档衬衫,作为工薪阶层的我,没有大款那么洒脱,几十元,百把元的投入总要转上十多家服装店才肯下手,转来转去最后在一家个体服装店花去90元买了一件好来西衬衫。拿回家穿了几天,一洗衬衫领子严重变形,衣缝也脱了线。老婆拿着衬衫对我说:“老公,人家都说好来西是时下流行的中档名牌衬衫,你怎么穿了
Consumers have “brand-name psychology”, goods have “brand-name effect.” So profiteers who play “trademark Rubik’s Cube”, perpetrating a fraud, shoddy, or even worse charge ... ... the result is rich profiteers, pit of consumers. Y goods change the name brand last year’s National Day, I want to buy a piece of mid-range shirt into the city as a working-class me, there is no big money so free and easy, dozens of yuan, one hundred yuan investment always turn to more than a dozen clothing stores before starting , Turn around and finally spent 90 yuan in an individual clothing store to buy a good West shirt. Take home for a few days, a serious deformation of the shirt collar, clothes off the line. My wife took a shirt and said to me: "My husband, people say good to the west is nowadays popular mid-range brand-name shirts, how do you wear