1924年生,重庆人,解放后曾任川南行署财政厅会计科会计员,属新中国第一批会计师。现任成都市老年诗书画专委会会员,成都市诗词楹联学会会员,成都市毛泽东诗词研究会会员,成都市老年摄影学会会员。①生于商人家庭的卢济卿,青年时代是幸运且幸福的。虽然处于战火纷飞的动乱年代,但她有幸获得人生的启蒙教育,并且踏入财会专业领域进行学习。这是她1 945年在重庆大中会计专科学校学习期间,的留影。
Born in 1924, Chongqing, after liberation, served as accounting department clerk of Finance Department of South Sichuan Administrative Office, and was the first batch of accountant in New China. He is currently a member of Chengdu Elderly Poetry Painting and Calligraphy Committee, a member of Chengdu Poetry Lianlian Society, a member of Chengdu Mao Zedong’s Poetry Research Association and a member of Chengdu Geriatric Photography Society. ① was born in a business family Lu Jiqing, youth is lucky and happy. Although in a war-torn turbulent era, she was fortunate enough to gain a first-hand education in her life and embark on a career in finance and accounting. This is her in 1945 in Chongqing Dazhong Accounting College during the photo.