《弗里施谈话录》是德国文艺理论家海因兹·罗德维奇·阿诺德(Heinz Ludwig Arnold)自1971年开始出版的系列谈话录之一。阿诺德与伯尔、瓦尔泽、恩岑斯贝格尔、德根哈特、迪伦马特等的谈话已于1974年前陆续问世,本文选自幕尼黑贝克出版社1975年出版的《与作家们的谈话》(Gesprche mit Schriftstellern),其中共收5篇访问记,另4人为格拉斯、柯本、封·特·格律恩和瓦尔拉夫。出版者在书后评论说:“阿诺德的《与作家们的谈话》将让读者对现代德语文学在其创作方法以及自我认识上有一个直接观察。今天要让读者对这一文学获得比这些谈话更为生动、更为精确的体验恐怕很难。” 1974年11月24日至27日,阿诺德赴瑞士与弗里施会晤数次才写成这篇长达G5页的谈话录,限于篇幅,这里只按原文顺序摘译了涉及弗里施生平主要踪迹、作品和思想的部分内容,力图以较少字数展现出较完整的弗里施形象。由于删节较多,凡是译者认为可能影响上下文衔接之处,均添加了译注。
Frisch Talkback is one of a series of conversations that the German literary theorist Heinz Ludwig Arnold published in 1971. Arnold’s talks with Burr, Walser, Enzensberger, Degenhart, Dylan Matt, etc. came out in succession before 1974. This article was taken from the book “ (Gesprche mit Schriftstellern), which received a total of five interviews, and the other four were Grasse, Köppen, Gottfried Grön and Wallaf. The publisher commented after the book: ”Arnold’s Conversations with Writers“ will give readers a direct view of modern German literature in its approach to creation and self-awareness, and today it is up to readers to gain more access to the literature than these More vivid and more accurate experience may not be easy. ”Arnold, who met with Frisch on several occasions between November 24 and November 27, 1974, wrote this long G5 page talk book. Due to space limitations, Only a few of the main tracks, works and thoughts related to Frisch’s life are extracted from the original text in an attempt to show a complete Frisch image with fewer words. As more abridged, all the translator that may affect the context of cohesion, have added a translation.