L207E 型柴油机气缸套随着使用期限的不断延长,因疲劳裂纹而损坏的气缸套逐渐增多。遵义、昆明、郑州、加格达奇和塔河五个机务段,1978年因气缸套裂纹而更换的气缸套达170个,今年一季度又更换了59个(见表1)。尤其是在加格达奇和塔河二机务段,气缸套裂纹已成为更换气缸套的主要原因。以塔河机务段为例,在1978年更换的气缸套中,因裂纹而更换的占80%。
L207E diesel engine cylinder liner With the continuous extension of life, due to fatigue crack damage cylinder liner gradually increased. Zunyi, Kunming, Zhengzhou, Jiagedaqi and Tahe five locomotive depots. In 1978, there were 170 cylinder liners replaced by cylinder liner cracks and 59 were replaced in the first quarter of this year (Table 1). Especially in Jiagedaqi and Tahe two locomotive depots, cylinder liner cracks have become the main reason for the replacement cylinder liner. To Tahe locomotive depot, for example, in the replacement of the cylinder liner in 1978, due to crack replacement accounted for 80%.