父亲是个老实人,这是我对活到59岁的父亲的一个定义。 从记事起,我就知道我们的家是由母亲当的。无论是涉及子女婚姻、就业安排之类的大事,还是柴米油盐一类的小事,总是母亲象作战指挥员一样发布主要意见,而父亲总是简单地提一些想法或干脆言听计从。后来,子女大了,他干脆在家里就不再做什么了,但也从不说咸道淡,是个“好”人。
My father is an honest man and this is my definition of a father who is 59 years old. From the memo, I know that our home is by the mother. Whether it is a major event involving child marriage, employment arrangements, or a small event such as firewood and salt, mothers always issue their main opinions like combat commanders, and fathers simply give some ideas or simply listen to them. Later, when the children were grown up, he simply stopped doing anything at home, but he never said that salt is a good person.