相约北京·携手未来 城市因我更美丽 北京环卫集团开办外埠职工子女托管班

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8月初,集团公司2016年外埠职工子女暑期托管班开班了,41名北京环卫集团外埠单位职工子女可以来北京度过愉快、充实而有意义的七天。托管班是由环卫集团工会牵头,从全面宣传、展示企业文化、企业风采和企业责任的角度,以子女托管班为载体,积极促进集团公司与外埠下属单位的沟通与交流,服务企业职工,凝聚企业力量,弘扬环卫精神。托管班以“相约北京·携手未来——城市因我更美丽”为主题,是一次增长见识、磨练意志、接受爱国主义教育、传承环卫精神的有益尝试。在开班仪式上,环卫集 In early August, the Group hosted a summer hosting class for migrant workers’ children in 2016. 41 children from Beijing’s sanitation group’s overseas department can come to Beijing for a happy, fulfilling and meaningful seven-day visit. The hosting classes are led by the sanitation group unions. From the perspectives of comprehensively publicizing and demonstrating the corporate culture, corporate style and corporate responsibility, the custodial classes take the children hosting classes as the carrier, and actively promote the communication and exchange between the group companies and their subordinate units, serve the employees and unite Enterprise strength, carry forward the spirit of sanitation. With the theme of “Meet Beijing, Work Together for the Future - City Becomes More Beautiful”, the hosting class is a useful attempt to increase knowledge, hone its will, receive patriotism education and inherit the spirit of sanitation. In the opening ceremony, sanitation set
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