在今天。电子商务一词已经被上网或不上网的人耳热能详。关于她的争论也由来已久,但显然现在还不可能有什么结果。纳斯达克涨了也跌了,国内的电子商务网站火过但现在也没有什么真正出色的表现。争论的热点现在好象也有所转移。但似乎,很少有人真正从运营成本上分析过电子商务的模式是否有什么问题。 在这里所说的纯粹的电子商务网站是指诸如:8848,AMAZON之类纯粹基于互联网业务的企业,其中B2C类的企业更为显著。 关于这类网站的争论,主要是围绕了所谓“资金流”、“物
today. The word e-commerce has been used by people who are on the Internet or not. There has been a long history of debate about her, but it is clear that there is no result at this time. Nasdaq rose and fell, and domestic e-commerce websites have been fired but there is no real outstanding performance. The hot spot of debate now seems to have shifted. However, it seems that few people have really analyzed whether there are any problems with the e-commerce model from operating costs. The pure e-commerce website mentioned here refers to companies such as 8848, AMAZON and purely Internet-based businesses, of which B2C companies are more prominent. The dispute over such websites mainly revolves around the so-called “fund flow” and “materials.”