
来源 :艺境(山西艺术职业学院学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heqigao
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2010年3月7日中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理刘延东同志在北京保利剧院观看舞剧《一把酸枣》演出,对演出给予高度评价,她说:“非常高兴在新春之际,时值‘两会’期间,看了你们精彩的演出,你们的演出可以说是给首都的艺术舞台奉献了精彩的一幕。《一把酸枣》确实名不虚传,我觉得这个剧确实是一个有着非常鲜明的中国风格,非常浓郁的山西韵味的好剧,是我们国家艺术百花园中很亮丽的一朵。” March 7, 2010 Comrade Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, commented on the performance of “a jujube” performance of the dance drama at the Poly Theater in Beijing and spoke highly of the performance. She said: “I am very happy that on the occasion of the New Year, During the ”two sessions“, I watched your wonderful performances, and your performances can be said to have given the capital an excellent stage for the stage of art. ”A jujube“ is indeed well-deserved reputation. I think this drama is indeed a very distinctive Chinese style , A very rich drama of Shanxi flavor, is a very beautiful flower garden in our country. ”
摘 要:关于课程标准的分解,目前国内外许多学者都在研究,把笼统的、不易操作和监控的课程标准,依据学情、教材等细化分解为具体的、便于及时调控和测评的学期模块目标、单元课时目标。但据笔者了解,目前的现状是课标分解还停留在教研部门,学校和教师个人还只是拿着上面编制的具体目标去实施教学活动,更没有适当的评价方案去检测目标达成情况。本文笔者想结合自己的教学实践,从课标分解、教学实践、评价方案三者关系,对课标