选用浓度分别为5×10-6、10×10-6、0.5×10-6、1×10-6的维生素B6(维生素类)、益母草膏(中草药类)、腐殖酸(天然螯和剂)和大蒜素(免疫药物)4种制剂,采用浸浴的方法,对11~39日龄的九孔稚鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supertexta)进行免疫刺激。试验期间每两天换水、补药一次,以维持各组原有的药物浓度,同时对稚鲍的脱板情况进行计数;最后取样测定各组幼体酚氧化物酶、溶菌酶的活性。试验结果表明,各药物组的酚氧化物酶和溶菌酶含量均显著高于对照组(p<0.05),且稚鲍成活率亦有显著性提高。试验结束时大蒜素组的成活率最高,可达60.00±3.33%;其次为益母草膏、腐殖酸和维生素B6组,成活率分别为56.60±1.66%、45.05±2.44%和42.67±3.13%;均极显著高于对照组的8.59±7.14%(p<0.01)。由此可见,增强机体的抗氧化能力可提高稚鲍的成活率;本试验所选用的4种免疫因子均可提高九孔稚鲍的免疫力,能有效地提高鲍鱼的附板率。
The concentration of vitamin B6 (vitamins), motherwort extract (Chinese herbal medicine), humic acid (natural chelating agent ) And allicin (immunopharmaceutical). The bath was used to immunostimulate Haliotis diversicolor supertexta from 11 to 39 days old. During the test, water was changed every two days to make up the drug once to maintain the original drug concentration in each group and count the platelet ablation of juvenile abalone at the same time. Finally, the activity of phenoloxidase and lysozyme in juveniles was determined by sampling. The results showed that the contents of phenoloxidase and lysozyme in each drug group were significantly higher than those in the control group (p <0.05), and the survival rate of juvenile abalone was also significantly increased. At the end of the experiment, the allicin group had the highest survival rate of 60.00 ± 3.33%, followed by the motherwort extract, humic acid and vitamin B6 group, with the survival rates of 56.60 ± 1.66%, 45.05 ± 2.44% and 42.67 ± 3.13%, respectively. Were significantly higher than the control group 8.59 ± 7.14% (p <0.01). Thus, enhancing the body’s antioxidant capacity can increase the survival rate of juvenile abalone; the four immune factors selected in this experiment can improve the immunity of nine-hole juvenile abalone, abalone can effectively improve the attachment rate.