本文介绍了 CDZX-01彩色电视演播中心系统的工作和使用、典型特技效果、积木式结构及可靠性措施。CDZX-01型演播设备具有三级混合效果设备(简称M/E),能同时在荧光屏上处理五层画面,系统配有特技扫换、内键、外键、色键、字幕叠加和扫换等艺术效果设备。全套设备结构上按积木化设计,可以组合成各种规模的适用于演播室内和台外节目制作的视频切换处理系统。
This paper introduces the CDZX-01 color television studio system work and use of typical effects, building blocks and reliability measures. CDZX-01 studio equipment with three mixed effects device (M / E), at the same time on the screen to deal with five layers of screen, the system is equipped with special effects, internal keys, foreign keys, color keys, subtitles superimposed and sweep Other artistic effects equipment. A full set of equipment structure by the modular design, can be combined into various sizes for studio and off-site programming video switching system.