Modified single transluminal gateway transcystic multiple drainage technique for a huge infected wal

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvguanghuang
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We report a successful endoscopic ultrasonographyguided drainage of a huge infected multilocular walledoff necrosis(WON) that was treated by a modified single transluminal gateway transcystic multiple drainage(SGTMD) technique. After placing a widecaliber fully covered metal stent, follow-up computed tomography revealed an undrained subcavity of WON. A large fistula that was created by the wide-caliber metal stent enabled the insertion of a forward-viewing upper endoscope directly into the main cavity, and the narrow connection route within the main cavity to the subcavity was identified with a direct view, leading to the successful drainage of the subcavity. This modified SGTMD technique appears to be useful for seeking connection routes between subcavities of WON in some cases. We report a successful endoscopic ultrasonographyguided drainage of a huge infected multilocular walledoff necrosis (WON) that was treated by a modified single transluminal gateway transcystic multiple drainage (SGTMD) technique. After placing a widecaliber fully covered metal stent, follow-up computed tomography revealed an undrained subcavity of WON. A large fistula that was created by the wide-caliber metal stent enabled the insertion of a forward-viewing upper endoscope directly into the main cavity, and the narrow connection route within the main cavity to the subcavity was identified with a direct view, leading to the successful drainage of the subcavity. This modified SGTMD technique appears to be useful for seeking connection routes between subcavities of WON in some cases.
老年人要时时保持一颗童心,“常留童心,常存童趣”是老年健康长寿的重要精神因素。   何为“童心”?《辞海》解释:“儿童的心情,孩子气。”引申为真心,真情实感。童心是人们真实情感的流露,是天性,是真心实意。保持童心,就是要人们返璞归真,回归自然,而不要矫揉造作,不能虚情假意。人性中最善良、最诚实、最纯洁的是童心。童心是刚刚出土的春草,给生命留下嫩绿和清新;童心是阳光下闪烁的露珠,给人生留下晶莹和纯情
这不是一个冬天的童话,而是一个真实的故事。2006年的一个夏日,一只不知来自何方的黑天鹅,突然降落到德国西北部城市明斯特尔的阿塞湖上。原来,是漂浮在湖里 This is not a
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