台湾彰化车站有一座台湾仅存的扇形火车调度站,内有转盘和扇形铁轨,由于台湾铁路局准备将调度站作为新购电联车的存放空间,这个已有77年历史的扇形火车调度站面临拆除命运。 当地一些人士认为这个调度站不宜废除,应如古迹般保存下来,铁路局方面则表示不能保留,必须拆除。 彰化车站的扇形火车调度站建于1918年。台湾铁路曾设有扇形火车调度站的车站,有台北、新竹、彰化和嘉义,目前仅存彰化站一处。
Taiwan’s Changhua Station has a remaining fan-shaped train dispatching station in Taiwan. There is a carousel and fan-shaped tracks inside. As the Taiwan Railway Administration plans to use the dispatch station as a storage space for newly purchased electric vehicles, the 77-year-old sector dispatched station Facing the demolition of destiny. Some local people think that this dispatch station should not be abolished and should be preserved as a monuments, and the Railway Administration said it can not be retained and must be dismantled. Changhua Station fan-shaped train dispatching station was built in 1918. Taiwan’s railway has a fan-shaped train dispatching station station, with Taipei, Hsinchu, Changhua and Chiayi, currently only Changhua station.