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孝是中国古代重要的伦理思想之一,元代郭居敬辑录古代24个孝子的故事,编成《二十四孝》,序而诗之,用训童蒙,成为宣传孝道的通俗读物。以后,又有人刊行《二十四孝国诗》、《女二十四孝国》等,流传甚广。在传统的木雕、砖雕和刺绣上,常见这类题制的图案。二十四孝包括下面二十四个故事,不同说法通常仅仅是不同顺序的排列:孝感动天、戏彩娱亲、鹿乳奉亲、百里负米、啮指痛心、芦衣顺母、亲尝汤药、拾葚异器、埋儿奉母、卖身葬父、刻木事亲、涌泉跃鲤、杯橘遗亲、扇枕温衾、行佣供母、闻雷泣墓、哭竹生笋、卧冰求鲤、扼虎救父、恣蚊饱血、尝粪忧心、乳姑不怠、涤亲溺器、弃官寻母。百善孝为先。我将全部编著出来奉献给读者。 Filial piety is one of the important ethical thoughts in ancient China. In the Yuan Dynasty, Guo Jujing compiled the story of 24 filial piety in ancient times and compiled “Twenty-four Filial Piety”. The preface and poem were used as the popular books to propagandize filial piety. Later, another published “filial piety twenty-four”, “twenty-four filial piety” and so on, spread widely. In the traditional wood carvings, brickwork and embroidery, the common pattern of such questions. Twenty-four Filial Piety Including the following twenty-four stories, different versions are usually just arranged in different order: Xiaogan moving day, play color entertainer, deer milk Bong pro, Barry negative meters, nails finger pain heart, Lu Yi Shun mother, pro taste soup , Pick up a different device, buried son Fengmou, soldier buried the father, carved wooden pro, Yongquan Yue carp, orange orange relatives, fan pillow Wen Yong, commission for mother, Wen Lei weeping tomb, crying bamboo shoots, lying Bingqiu carp, kill the tiger save his father, Zimo mosquitoes, taste feces worry, milk lazy idiot, polyester drinkers, abandon official search mother. Hundred good first filial piety. I will write all devoted to the reader.
玻璃翠(Impa-tiens sultanii)是凤仙花科的多年生草本植物,原产东非热带地区,它茎杆透明,叶片亮绿,花色鲜艳,品种繁多,常年开花,是国内外广泛栽培的花卉。我国各地多作盆栽