在摄影中,最大的“影响”其实来自于拍摄对象“是什幺”以及“为什么”。因为作为独特的个体,当你在做一件事情的时候,所有那些你的生活和经历中的东西都会在某种程度上影响你的判断与感觉。——克里斯·克森-斯科特(Chris Corson-Scott,新西兰摄影师)海外某相机厂商发布了一个视频,视频的内容很简单,找来6个摄影师,给他们安排任务,在同一个室内环境下拍同一个人。但是,事先给他们的描述各有区别:“你要拍一个白手起家创业致富的百万富翁”;“你要拍救生员”;“你要拍一个出狱的
In photography, the biggest ”influence “ actually comes from the subject ”WHERE “ and ”WHY “. Because as a unique individual, when you are doing something, all those things in your life and experience can affect your judgment and feeling to some degree. - Chris Corson-Scott (New Zealand photographer) A camera manufacturer overseas released a video, the content of the video is very simple, got six photographers, to arrange tasks for them, in the same The same person in an indoor environment. However, prior to their description each have a difference: ”You want to shoot a self-made rich millionaire “; ”You want to shoot a lifeguard “; ”You want to shoot a