一、问题的提出若干年前,中国的有识之士就曾发出过“水危机”的信号。这并不是危言耸听,也不是杞人忧天。随着人口的增长,我国人均水资源的占有量不断不降。据最新水资源调查表明,我国人均水资源占有量为2630立方米(以径流量计算),居世界第88位,相当于世界平均值的1/4。预计到2000年,人均占有量将进一步减少,只有2185立方米。英国学者 C·维
First, the question was raised Some years ago, China’s people of insight had issued a “water crisis” signal. This is not an alarmist, nor is it worrying. As the population grows, China’s per capita water resources continue to increase. According to the latest water resources survey, the per capita water resources in China is 2,630 cubic meters (calculated as runoff), ranking 88th in the world, which is equivalent to 1/4 of the world average. It is expected that by the year 2000, the per capita share will be further reduced to only 2,185 cubic meters. British scholar C.