Heterosis utilization is one of the effective ways to increase production in agricultural production. Identifying the genetic relationship between hybrids and their parents, predicting the heterosis, having some significance to the parental combinations of matching hybrids and cultivating strong heterosis with strong economic traits and strong viability. For a long time, the forecast of heterosis usually adopts the quantitative trait statistics method related to yield. With the development of science and technology, the prediction of heterosis begins to go deep into cytology and biochemistry field from the statistics of quantitative traits. Because isozymes are the direct product of gene transcription and translation and are the shortest distance between genes, isozymes research is considered as an effective means to study gene activity. In 1960, Schwartz first used starch gel electrophoresis to study the esterase isozymes of maize inbred lines hybrids, and found that miscellaneous