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城市居民贫困是近年来突现的重大社会问题,愈来愈受到全社会的关注〔1〕。因贫致病、因病致贫、因病返贫、贫病交加,在我国贫困地区已形成一种恶性循环〔2〕。目前,中国改善贫困人口健康状况的主要方法就是实行医疗救助。为了解广东省广州市城镇贫困居民对现行医疗救助模式的评 Poverty of urban residents is a major social problem that has emerged in recent years and has drawn more and more attention from the whole society [1]. Because of poverty and illness, poverty due to illness, illness due to poverty, poverty and disease, in our country’s poor areas has formed a vicious circle 〔2〕. At present, the main method used by China to improve the health of the poor is through medical assistance. To understand the poor residents in urban areas of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, the current assessment of the medical assistance model