
来源 :青海农林科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiminglu
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一、青海杨除分布于内蒙、宁夏和甘肃等省(区)外,还天然分布在我省柴达木盆地的乌拉泰(都兰县境内)。1983年作者在共和县采集了几份标本(原种条来自西宁、贵南等地),经鉴定,特征似青海杨,而与小叶杨形态有一定差别。因此,我省的小叶杨中,实有较多的青海杨相混误。至于我省原产有无真正的小叶杨,尚需进一步研讨。二、青海杨在树体形态、叶片特征等方面,与小叶杨较为相近。魏振铎同志曾把小 First, except for the provinces located in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and Gansu, Qinghai Yang is also naturally distributed in Wulate (Dulan County) in the Qaidam Basin in our province. In 1983, the author collected several specimens in Republican County (the original species from Xining, Guinan and other places), identified, the characteristics of Qinghai poplar, but with Populus tomentosa there is a certain difference. Therefore, in our province poplar, there are actually more mixed mistakes Qinghai Yang. As for the province whether there is no real leaflet Yew, still need further study. Second, Qinghai Yang tree body morphology, leaf characteristics, etc., are more similar with Populus simonii. Wei Zhenduo comrades had small