
来源 :水电能源科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sgrsrg
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结合1957~2012年东江博罗站的水沙资料,运用Mann-Kendall趋势检验和连续小波变换方法,定性分析了东江水沙通量的年内分布规律,引入RRI指数定量研究了流量年内分布的均匀性。结果表明,东江流域水沙通量的年内分布规律在近50年内不断变化,枯季平均径流量呈较明显的增大趋势,洪季平均含沙量呈显著的减小趋势。结果表明,大中型水库建设和取水用水等人类活动作用是影响水沙通量年内分布规律的主要因素,气候因素影响较小。 Based on the data of water and sediment from Boluo Station of Dongjiang River from 1957 to 2012, the annual distribution law of water and sediment flux in Dongjiang River was analyzed qualitatively by Mann-Kendall trend test and continuous wavelet transform. The RRI index was introduced to study the distribution of water flux in the year Sex. The results showed that the annual distribution of water and sediment fluxes in the Dongjiang River Basin changed continuously in the past 50 years, and the average runoff in the dry season increased obviously. The average sediment concentration in the flood season showed a significant decrease. The results show that the human activities such as the construction of large and medium-sized reservoirs and water intake are the main factors affecting the distribution of water and sediment flux during the year, and the influence of climatic factors is small.
清乾隆十七年(公元1752年),皇太后六十寿诞的万寿恩科,殿试结束后,主考官照例将前十名考生的试卷上呈皇帝,等待钦点状元。评卷大臣们一致推选秦大士为一甲一名,但最终结果还得由皇帝亲自定夺。  看到秦大士的文章,乾隆觉得,新科状元非此人莫属。但是,当乾隆看到秦大士的籍贯时,忍不住犹豫起来,他想起了另外一个人———南宋大奸臣秦桧。乾隆心想,两人的籍贯相同、姓氏相同,这个秦大士会不会是秦桧的后代呢?万一