四川省南溪县罗龙镇武装部长李春明,在今年1月10日揭晓的四川省国防后备力量建设“十位杰出人物”评选活动中榜上有名,成为全省基层专武干部中唯一获此殊荣的娇娇者。这是李春明在漫漫16载的基层武装生涯中,一步一个脚印地走出的一个人生的新高度。1 李春明从小就向往当一名解放军战士,1966年他的愿望终于变成了现实。1979年自卫还击作战胜利后,组织上确定李春明转业,他恋恋不舍地告别了火热的军营生活,回到家乡。回乡后,他主动要求到全县最边远的山区乡——马家乡任武装部长,组织上同意了他的请求。这样,他一步一个脚印地在山区干了5年,出色地完成了各项民兵工作任务,1984年他调到罗龙
Li Chunming, an armed minister of Luo Longzhen in Nanxi County of Sichuan Province, became known in the selection of the “Top Ten Outstanding People” in the national defense reserve construction in Sichuan Province on January 10 this year, Cherished Johnson who. This is a new height of life that Li Chunming stepped out step by step in the long armed armed forces over the long run. 1 Li Chunming aspired to be an PLA warrior from an early age, and his wishes finally became reality in 1966. After the self-defense counterattack in 1979, the organization determined that Li Chunming was going to work for a career. He reluctantly bid farewell to the fiery barracks life and returned to his hometown. After returning home, he volunteered to go to the most remote mountainous area in the county, Ma Jiaxiang, as the armed minister, and the organization agreed to his request. In this way, he has done it step by step in the mountains for five years and has done a good job in various militia tasks. In 1984, he transferred to Luo Long