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去年盛夏,武汉市曾发生这样一起悲剧:洪山区4名青年为躲避热浪,挤进一辆停着的伏尔加轿车内,打开空调睡觉。晚11点,睡在车门旁的王某忽然醒来,感到头昏,便打开车门到外面喝了点冷饮,后又钻进车内睡觉,直睡到次日下午2点醒来时,发现同伴3人都已昏迷不醒,呼吸微弱,忙将他们送往医院,其中一人已经死亡,另两人经输氧抢救后才脱离危险。经医生诊断,这是因使用汽车空调不当,引 In the summer of last year, there was such a tragedy in Wuhan: four youths in Hongshan District avoided the heatwave and squeezed into a parked Volga car, turning on the air-conditioners to sleep. 11 o’clock in the evening, sleep in the door next to Wang suddenly woke up, feeling dizzy, they opened the door to drink a cold drink outside, and then got into the car to sleep, sleep until the next day woke up at 2 pm and found 3 companions have been unconscious, breathing weak, busy sending them to the hospital, one of whom has died, the other two after being rescued by oxygen before out of danger. Diagnosed by the doctor, which is due to improper use of car air conditioners, cited
New monomer N-(4-carboxyphenyl)-NL-(propyltriethoxysilyl)urea (1) which acts as both a ligand for Tb3+ ion and a sol-gel precursor has been synthesized and char
期 页综 述·edweqtotoeq oroaom 口 口 口???* dedtoeqoao*?且2peeqtoedtoedwboryeqtorpwtorpeq——eqeqpeb00000OchchChWWWtoto公路客车生产企业的出路何在—…………………
Chiral ligand (R)-N,N′-Bis(2-hydroxy-3,5-di-tert-butyl-arylmethyl)-1,1′-binaphthalene-2,2′-diamine derived from the reduction of Schiff base (R)- 2,2′-bi
1998年世界对炼油催化剂的需求总额为 1 1× 1 0 8US$ ,预计今后 5年中每年将增长 2 .5× 1 0 8US$ ,位于美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰的Freedonia集团的研究表明 ,90年代末催化剂性能差的状况也正
A novel chemiluminescence (CL) sensor for the determination of gallic acid combined with flow injection analysis was developed by electrostatically immobilizing