A possible Younger Dryas-type event during Asian monsoonal Termination 3

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsh123456lsh
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Seven U-Th dates, 560 δ 18O data and microscopic sequences were measured for sta- lagmites from two high-altitude caves in Shennongjia area, Hubei Province. Variations of the de- cadal-resolution stalagmite δ 18O record from Swan Cave (1600 m elevation) reflect large spatial changes in circulation strength and precipitation of Asian monsoon. The evidence comes from a great similarity among the stalagmite δ 18O records from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province; Libo, Guizhou Province and here studied area during the last deglaciation, including a part interval of Younger-Dryas event and Bolling-Allerod. A 30-year-resolution stalagmite δ 18O record from Yongxing Cave (1400 m eleva- tion), 70 km away from Swan Cave, reveals a rapid transition of Asian monsoon climate during Ter- mination 3 at about 245±5 kaBP. Based on 3 U-Th dates and about 5000 continuous annual bands, a millennial dry episode has been observed during Asian monsoonal Termination 3 from the Yongxing δ 18O profile. With respect to its structure, duration and transition, the dry reversal, as indicated by our stalagmite δ 18O record, generally agrees with the pattern of the YD event well-expressed in the Chi- nese stalagmite δ 18O records. This YD-type event is characterized by a large decrease in δ 18O value as much as 2.30‰, more than half of the δ 18O excursion between glacial/interglacial periods, and lasts 1371±59 a determined by the annual counting chronology. After this event, the monsoon climate shifted abruptly into the interglacial period within 74±4 a. Our data corroborate the view that the re- peated occurrence of YD-type event was not an “accident”, possibly resulted from the coupling of ice-sheet and oceanic/atmospheric circulations. Seven U-Th dates, 560 δ 18O data and microscopic sequences were measured for sta- lagmites from two high-altitude caves in Shennongjia area, Hubei Province. Variations of the de- cadal-resolution stalagmite δ 18O record from Swan Cave (1600 m elevation of large intensity changes in circulation strength and precipitation of Asian monsoon. The evidence comes from a great similarity among the stalagmite δ 18O records from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province; Libo, Guizhou Province and here studying area during the last deglaciation, including a part interval of Younger-Dryas event and Bolling-Allerod. A 30-year-resolution stalagmite δ 18O record from Yongxing Cave (1400 m eleva- tion), 70 km away from Swan Cave, reveals a rapid transition of Asian monsoon climate during Ter- mination 3 at about 245 ± 5 kaBP. Based on 3 U-Th dates and about 5000 continuous annual bands, a millennial dry episode has been observed during Asian monsoonal Termination 3 from the Yongxing δ 18O profile. With respec t to its structure, duration and transition, the dry reversal, as indicated by our stalagmite δ 18O record, generally agrees with the pattern of the pattern of the YD event well-expressed in the Chi- nese stalagmite δ 18O records. This YD-type event is characterized by a large decrease in δ 18O value as much as 2.30 ‰, more than half of the δ 18O excursion between glacial / interglacial periods, and lasts 1371 ± 59 a determined by the annual counting chronology. After this event, the monsoon climate shifted abruptly into the interglacial period within 74 ± 4 a. Our data corroborate the view that the re- peated occurrence of YD-type event was not an “accident”, possibly resulted from the coupling of ice-sheet and oceanic / atmospheric circulations.
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