High living with the Kirgiz nomads of western Xinjiang每到夏天,游牧的柯尔克孜族人会迁徙到海拔4600米处的村落。毡帐、奶茶、家畜和太阳能,汇成了中国西部边陲居民的日常生活。What a difference 60minutes and a thousand meters can make.From the relative comfort of my mid-altitude yurt at Lake Karakul《喀拉库勒
Every summer, nomadic Kirgiz people migrate to villages 4600 meters above sea level. Felt accounts, milk tea, livestock and solar energy have brought together the daily lives of the residents living in the border areas of western China. What a difference 60minutes and a thousand meters can make .From the relative comfort of my mid-altitude yurt at Lake Karakul "