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要论最适合抓拍日常景象的镜头,那么非视角宽广而且体积小巧、具备很强机动性的广角镜头莫属。但是,广角镜头又分广角变焦镜头和广角定焦镜头两种,到底哪一种更适合于街头轻松自在的抓拍呢?在此,我们将彻底地分析一下广角变焦镜头和广角定焦镜头各自的魅力。 To talk about the most suitable capture scene of the lens, then non-wide-angle and small size, with strong mobility of the wide-angle lens must go. However, the wide-angle lens is divided into wide-angle zoom lens and wide-angle fixed focus lens, in the end which is more suitable for street ease of capture? Here, we will thoroughly analyze the wide-angle zoom lens and wide-angle fixed focus their own charm .
20年前,美国麻省理工学院的教授尼葛洛庞蒂(Nicholas Negroponte)在他撰写的《数字化生存》一书中断言:“比特(计算机的最小存储单位),作为信息时代新世界的DNA正迅速取代原子成为人类社会的基本要素。”  当时看到他的说法,我们可能还会觉得美国人有些危言耸听,因为20年前人类建造起来的信息传播网络不仅是完备的,也是有效的。广播、电视、报纸、杂志、电报、电话一应俱全,包括人们使用的各