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4月11日,津巴布韦宣布对外资企业本土化政策进行重大调整。据称,外资企业必须严格按照津政府和指定本地企业持股51%比例进行本土化。一时间,天下喧嚷,各种说法甚嚣尘上。为解惑释疑,津巴布韦驻华大使应本刊之邀,就此问题专门撰文。而实际上,早在2007年,津巴布韦政府就颁布了《本土化和经济授权法案》 On April 11, Zimbabwe announced a major readjustment of the localization policy of foreign-funded enterprises. Allegedly, foreign-funded enterprises must be localized in strict accordance with the 51% stake held by the Tianjin government and the designated local enterprises. For a time, the world noisy, a variety of claims rampant. In order to clarify and dispel misunderstanding, Zimbabwean Ambassador to China, at the invitation of this magazine, wrote an article on this issue. In fact, as early as 2007, the Zimbabwean government promulgated the “Localization and Economic Authorization Act”