This article describes the collaboration between a pharmacy director and architect in a modern hospital pharmacy design. A new 3250-square-foot pharmacy department was planned and planned by pharmacy director and hospital architect at a nonprofit hospital with 870 beds. They devised a preliminary, schematic, floor plan based on the pharmacy’s following functions: unit-dose drug distribution centers; drug formulation; pre-dispensing of multidose or single-dose medications; preparation of sterile products; control of substance storage; prescriptions for outpatients and pharmacists; Stock reserve; Procurement, acceptance and stock control; Drug information services and administration. The final design floorplan combines these features with the structure and benefits required, such as the layout of computer systems, provisioning and lighting facilities. Combining the concept of modern materials management with contemporary hospital pharmacy practices, pharmacy directors, in collaboration with hospital architects, can design and build a pharmacy that can receive, dispense and dispense medicines efficiently.