一、玻尔的后代许多论文和书籍上都说尼耳斯·玻尔有“五个”儿子,但也有少数文献上说有“六个”。这是怎么回事?我曾写信请教我国一位多次访问过哥本哈根的物理学家,他也肯定地说是“五”个。但是我还不懂那“六个”之说从何而来。到了丹麦,通过向知情人详细打听,才知原来“五个”之说才是错的。玻尔其实是有六个儿子。他们是: 1.Christian Bohr——1916年11月25日生,1934年7月某日在刚刚考上大学以后于随父乘游艇出海时突遇风浪,不幸坠海而死。此事曾使玻尔伤心到极点。按Christian和他祖父同名,外国人习惯于用这种命名法来对自己敬爱的长辈表示尊崇或怀念,而中国人则绝对
First, the descendants of Bohr Many papers and books say Niels Bohr has “five” sons, but there are also a few documents that have “six.” What happened? I once wrote a letter to one of our country’s physicists who visited Copenhagen many times. He is also sure to say “five”. But I still do not understand where the “six” theory came from. Arrived in Denmark, through inquiries to the insiders in detail, I realized that the original “five” is wrong. Bohr actually has six sons. They are: 1.Christian Bohr - November 25, 1916 Health, July 1934 One day in the just admitted to university after his father came to the sea by boat when the storm, unfortunately, died in the sea. This incident has caused Boole sadness to the extreme. Christian and his grandfather by the same name, foreigners accustomed to using this nomenclature to respect or miss their beloved elders, while the Chinese are absolutely