
来源 :临床血液学杂志(输血与检验版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsfsfsg
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近年来,血液安全越来越受到广泛关注,世界卫生组织在输血服务机构质量管理计划中提出:输血机构应建立一个覆盖生产和服务所有过程并持续改进的质量管理体系,强调血液管至血管整个输血链条过程的控制。自我国颁布实施《血站管理办法》、《血站质量管理规范》、《血站实验室质量管理规范》以来,经过五、六年的督导检查,采供血机构基本建立了完善的质量管理体系,采供血过程质量 In recent years, blood safety has drawn more and more attention. WHO proposed in the quality management plan of blood transfusion service providers that blood transfusion agencies should establish a quality management system that covers all processes of production and service and continually improve, emphasizing that blood vessels to the whole blood vessels Control of blood transfusion chain process. Since China promulgated and implemented the “Blood Stasis Management Measures,” “Blood Station Quality Management Practices,” and “Blood Station Laboratory Quality Management Practices,” after five or six years of supervision and inspection, blood collection and delivery agencies have basically established a sound quality management system , Collecting blood quality of the process
本文将结合新课标及自己的教学实践,从阅读材料的选择;注重语篇教学;加强阅读技巧和学法的指导;同步写作等方面对如何有效地开展阅读教学加以阐述。 This article will comb