2000年3月,中国劳动和社会保障部正式批准英国伦敦城市行业协会(City & Guilds ofLondon Institute简称C&G)职业资格证书进入我国并予注册。这意味着在中国大陆颁发的C&G证书,不仅被世界100多个国家和地区认可,而且在我国也具有法律效力。 C&G成立于1887年,至今已有120多年的历史,是世界上著名的职业资格考试机构之一。现任主席是英国伊丽莎白女王的丈夫菲力浦亲王。现任英国首相布莱尔、前首相梅杰都是C&G证书的获得者。 C&G包括400多个职业类别,其中属秘书类
In March 2000, China’s Ministry of Labor and Social Security formally approved the occupation qualification certificate of City & Guilds of London Institute (C & G) to enter China and register it. This means that the C & G certificate issued in mainland China is not only recognized by more than 100 countries and regions in the world, but also has the legal effect in our country. Founded in 1887, C & G has more than 120 years of history and is one of the world’s leading vocational qualification exam institutions. The current chairman is Prince Philip of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth’s husband. The incumbent Prime Minister Tony Blair and former Prime Minister Major are both C & G recipients. C & G includes more than 400 occupational categories, of which are secretary classes