【摘 要】
人参为五加科植物人参 Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.的干燥根。栽培者为园参 ,野生者为山参。由于几百年来的不断采挖 ,加上山参的生长极其缓慢 ,对生长环境的要求又极为苛刻 ,故
【机 构】
浙江医学职业技术学院,浙江医学职业技术学院,浙江省药品检验所 310009,310009,310026
人参为五加科植物人参 Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.的干燥根。栽培者为园参 ,野生者为山参。由于几百年来的不断采挖 ,加上山参的生长极其缓慢 ,对生长环境的要求又极为苛刻 ,故山参的资源越来越少。但由于人民生活水平的提高 ,对山参的需求却越来越大。所以 ,我国东北地区出现了大
Ginseng is the dried root of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey., an Araliaceae ginseng plant. The cultivated people are garden ginseng, and the wild person is ginseng. Due to continuous excavation over several hundred years and the extremely slow growth of wild ginseng, the requirements for the growing environment are extremely demanding. Therefore, the resources of ginseng are getting less and less. However, due to the improvement of the people’s living standards, the demand for ginseng is increasing. So, there is a big
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2001年以来,全国上下掀起了新的一轮创业高潮。与以往几次中国人“下海潮”或“发财机会”不同的是,这一轮创业高潮具有明显的知识创业特征。 但是,毕竟时代不同了,过去那种
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<正> Brand氏鸡精是从鸡中提取的一种传统保健品,在亚洲地区尤其是东南亚地区的华人中很受欢迎。用于产妇、运动员、学生等恢复体力、精力和脑力。日本研究人员近来用大鼠实
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Long long ago,a king had a huge stone placed on a roadway and put a purse under the stone.Then he hid himself and watched if anyone would move it away.Some of t