甜椒白星病(Pnyllosticta Pnysaleos)是甜椒叶片上的病害,多发生在植株中、下部的叶片上,病斑初期为褐色针状小点,后逐渐扩大成1—2mm左右的圆形斑点;病斑的边缘暗褐色;中央灰白色;严重时一片叶子上的病斑多达50~100个以上,影响叶片的光合作用以致减少产量.国内有关白星病发生为害及防治方面的报道较少,1983年3月,作者在市郊上尧乡万秀村进行了调查和防治试验.结果以波尔多液的防治效果最好,与其他药剂处理间差异极显著,比土霉素渣的防效几乎高一倍,而且经济、安全,可以大力推广使用.若此病与甜椒菌核病并发时,可考虑选用50%托布津500倍液防治,则可兼治两种病害.
Pnyllosista Pnysaleos is a disease on the leaves of sweet pepper. It mostly occurs on the lower and middle leaves of the plant. The lesion initially has a brown acicular small dot, and then gradually expands into round spots of about 1-2 mm. The edge of the lesion is dark brown; the center is gray and white; in severe cases, there are as many as 50-100 lesions on one leaf, affecting the photosynthesis of the leaves and thus reducing the yield. There are few reports on the pathogenesis and prevention of white spot disease in China. 1983 In March of the same year, the author conducted a survey and prevention and control test in Wanxiu Village, Yao Township, in the suburbs.Results The best control effect was Bordeaux mixture and the difference between the two treatments was extremely significant, which was almost higher than that of oxytetracycline residue Times, but also economy, safety, can be vigorously promote the use of.If the disease and pepper concomitant nuclear disease, consider the use of 50% Topaz 500 times prevention and treatment, you can treat both diseases.