在门诊,因房事后出血而来就诊的女性患者很多,她们大都为中年女性,非常焦虑紧张,担心会患宫颈癌。其实房事后出血的原因很多,总的来说是由于阴道、宫颈、宫体发生病变而引起的接触性出血。现就临床上常见的几种情况介绍如下: 子宫颈糜烂:这是临床上最常见的一种,婚后生育过的妇女约90%的人患有子宫颈糜烂。根据子宫颈糜烂的程度临床分为轻、中、重三度,宫颈糜烂在中度以上,由于宫颈糜烂,组织脆弱,当房事时,由于男方阴茎的插入会碰到
In the clinic, due to post-partum bleeding came to see a lot of female patients, most of them middle-aged women, very anxious and nervous, worried about suffering from cervical cancer. In fact, many causes of bleeding after the event, in general, is due to vaginal, cervical, palace lesions caused by contact bleeding. Now common in several clinical situations are described below: Cervical erosion: This is the most common kind of clinical, married women about 90% of people suffering from cervical erosion. According to the degree of cervical erosion clinical is divided into mild, moderate and severe degree of cervical erosion in more than moderate, due to cervical erosion, tissue fragility, when the room, due to the man’s penis will meet