VCD技术的研究、开发已有一年多的时间了,不论是成品机还是VCD改机板,如今已走向成熟,价格也日趋下降。下面本人就与此相关的一些问题谈点看法,供同好参考。 1.现在选配VCD机是否划算? 在DVD样机在国内已登台亮相的形势下,本人以为如果条件许可、也喜爱音影享受者添置VCD机仍是划算的,因为目前VCD机价平物美,软件丰富、价廉,而DVD刚面市价格肯定非一般人所能问津。最新资料表明,将来的DVD碟每张约20美元,所以VCD在我国仍将有相当长的生命力。 2.已有多媒体电脑者是否无配置VCD
VCD technology research and development has been more than a year’s time, whether it is finished machine or VCD change board, now has matured, the price is declining. Here I talk about some of the issues related to this view, for a good reference. 1. Now matching VCD machine is worth? In the DVD prototype in the country has debut situation, I think if conditions permit, but also enjoy the audio and video enjoyment purchase VCD machine is still cost-effective, because the current VCD price flat, Software-rich, inexpensive, and DVD just surfaced prices certainly non-ordinary people can be catered for. The latest data show that in the future about 20 US dollars each DVD disc, so VCD in our country will still have considerable vitality. 2. Has a multimedia computer is no configuration VCD