全国儿科主任(儿童保健专题)诊疗技术高研班由首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院、北京妇幼保健院和中国医师协会联合主办,将于2012年3月28-31日在北京举办,共4 d。培训费980元(食宿自理),学习期满授予国家级Ⅰ类继续教育学分10分。内容:先天性髋关节脱位筛查与诊断;母乳性黄疸的管理策略;早产儿的院后支持与管理;婴儿睡眠特点与习惯养成;
The National Pediatric Chief (Child Health Specialist) Seminar on Clinical Techniques will be co-sponsored by Beijing Maternity and Adolescent Hospital, Beijing Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Chinese Physicians Association and will be held in Beijing on March 28-31, 2012 in total 4 d. 980 yuan training costs (accommodation), the end of the study period to grant state-level class I continuing education credits 10 points. Content: Screening and diagnosis of congenital dislocation of the hip; management strategies of breast milk jaundice; post-natal support and management of premature infants; development of infant sleep habits and habits;