富阳市某镇1983年第一家生产玻璃灯具,经过10多年的发展,已成为该镇发展经济和增加财政收入的特色行业。1996年前,部分产品在磨砂后用石英砂抛制,结果导致多名喷砂工罹患矽肺。后改由氢氟酸蒙砂代替喷砂作业,但仍严重污染了环境和危害职工的健康。现将调查报告如下: 一、样品与检测 1.井水39份,蒙砂作业废水15份,由用户或镇工办送检,用《生活饮用水标准检验法》GB5750-
A town in Fuyang City, the first production of glass lamps in 1983, after 10 years of development, has become the town of economic development and increase revenue characteristics of the industry. Before 1996, some products were polished with quartz sand after scrubbing, resulting in multiple sand blasting workers suffering from silicosis. Later replaced by hydrofluoric acid Frosting instead of blasting operations, but still seriously pollutes the environment and endanger the health of workers. Now the investigation report is as follows: First, the sample and testing 1. Well water 39, 15 frosted wastewater, the user or the town to do prosecution, with “drinking water standard test method” GB5750-