民间工艺美术,在一定程度上属于“生产者的艺术”。人民从生活的直接需要出发,基于爱美的心态和对亲人的情感,以及信仰、社交的需求而自发的创作;不为销售,也不为营利,而是按自己的直观感受,无拘束地表达情思。它以家庭相传,邻里相授,经过漫长的时空锤炼,始终赞美生活、歌颂生活,这是它的主要倾向。它充满着对困难的战胜,对现实的自信,对未来的向往,从而形成了民间美术质朴率真、刚健清新、意情感人的主要特征。 民间工艺美术的生产者,往往世代生息于一块故土之上,其社交活动和文化传播大都在此进行。不同的地域和自然条件,陶冶着不同居住者的气质;不同的资源,提供了
Folk arts and crafts, to a certain extent, belong to the “producer’s art.” People from the immediate needs of life, based on the beauty of love and affection, as well as faith, social needs and spontaneous creation; not for sale, not for profit, but according to their own intuitive feelings, unconstrained expression of feelings . It is family-oriented, relatives in the neighborhood, after a long time and temper, always praising life, singing life, this is its main tendencies. It is full of the triumph of difficulties, the confidence of reality and the longing for the future, thus forming the main features of simple, honest, fresh, and touching human feelings. Producers of folk arts and crafts are often born in a generation above their native land, and their social activities and cultural communication are mostly carried out here. Different geographical and natural conditions, cultivating the temperament of different occupants; different resources, provided