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一、台电公司的技能评价概述(一)技能评价发展阶段台电公司技能评价方法经历了三个阶段,第一阶段,是粗放管理阶段(2003-2006年),主要是通过参加国家职业资格鉴定考试,取得相应等级的职业资格证书后直接技能等级晋升。第二阶段,是探索阶段(2007-2010年),主要通过与专业的人力资源测评机构、大专院校、职 I. Overview of Skills Evaluation of Taipower Company (I) Stage of Development of Skills Evaluation Taichung's skills evaluation method has gone through three phases. The first phase is the extensive management phase (2003-2006), mainly through participation in the national vocational qualification examination , To obtain the appropriate level of professional qualification certificate direct skill level promotion. The second stage is the exploration stage (2007-2010), mainly through cooperation with professional HR assessment agencies, universities and colleges