层次分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,简称AHP)是一种优秀的方法,其基础是对评价对象两两比较,并用比较结果构造判断矩阵。它提供一个有效的方法去进行复杂的决策,无论在一般生活、商业或学术研究上,都有很精彩的应用。AHP是将复杂的决策情境切分为数个小部分,再将这些部分组织成为一个树状的层次结构,然后对每一个部分的相对重要性给予权数值,最后分析出各个部分优先权。此外,AHP可协助捕捉主观和客观的评估测度,检验评估的一致性,以及团队所建议的替代方案,减少团队决策之失误,如失焦、无计划、无参予等。AHP将整个问题细分为多个较不重要的评估,但还维持整体的决策,因此,对消费者购买的选择行为这种主观选择进行权重分配,用AHP分析法进行分析,可选择出最佳方案。
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is an excellent method based on comparing pairs of objects for evaluation and constructing judgment matrixes based on comparison results. It provides an effective way to make complex decisions, no matter in general life, business or academic research, there is a very good application. AHP divides the complicated decision-making situation into several small parts, organizes these parts into a tree-like hierarchy, and then gives the weight value of the relative importance of each part, and finally analyzes each part’s priority. In addition, AHP can help capture subjective and objective assessment measures, test consistency of assessments, and alternatives proposed by the team to reduce errors in team decision-making such as out-of-focus, unplanned, non-participation and so on. AHP subdivides the entire problem into several less important evaluations, but also maintains the overall decision-making. Therefore, the subjective choice of consumers’ purchasing behavior is weighted and AHP analysis is used to choose the most Good plan