There are Chinese places, there is Suri! This is written in a few years ago Su Rui album cover a word. Originally the propaganda copy of the record company would inevitably be touted as suspected, but I still firmly remember this remark, because whether you like the voice of Suri, her position in the national language pop music is beyond doubt. Suri, who did not release his Mandarin album in more than two years, has finally released his latest album, “Love Comes,” after countless fans. It took more than two years to carve a carved, invest 700 million carefully polished album, not only included the Surrey surpassing the pop music since the song five songs, but also specially created five new style of work. The music of the album is very diverse, whether it is Niu dance, light rock, or rhythm and blues, Su Rui’s interpretation is just the difference, not only let the fans fully appreciate her profound strength, feel its excellence, unabated music Demeanor, but also take the fans took a trip both nostalgic and fresh music tour. 15 years ago, Suri launched the first Mandarin album “the same moonlight”, with one of the “dried wine if not sold” sing over Taiwan, Hong Kong