我非常高兴来参加“卢昂导演艺术研讨会”。我 代表中国戏剧家协会,对研讨会的召开、对卢昂同志取得的成就表示热烈的祝贺! 在我的印象当中,在全国导演行列中,像卢昂这样年轻、取得这样大的成就、能够召开这样全国性研讨会的,好像还没有。 对于卢昂同志,我们是在不经意当
I am very happy to attend the “Louise Director Art Symposium.” On behalf of the Association of Chinese Dramatists, I hereby extend my warm congratulations on the convening of the Symposium and on the achievements made by Comrade Luiang! Among my impressions, it seems as if there is not such a national seminar in the national director’s ranks that young people like Rouen achieved such a big accomplishment. We are inadvertently to Comrade Rouen