
来源 :天水师范学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengfengye
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甘肃临时军政府在“维持共和、救济人民”的宗旨指导下,从政治、军事、财政经济、社会文化教育等四个方面颁布和采取了一系列有力的政策、措施,保证了临时军政府的安全。在内容上既体现了宣扬民主共和、促进民生发展的宗旨和目的,也继承了此前秦州自治的一些思想和内容。从总体上看,甘肃临时军政府的进步性是值得肯定的,他是甘肃第一个真正的共和政体。 Under the guidance of the principle of “maintaining republic and rescuing people”, the Gansu provisional military government promulgated and adopted a series of effective policies and measures from four aspects: politics, military affairs, finance and economics, social culture and education, and ensured that the provisional army Government safety. In terms of content, it not only embodies the purpose and purpose of promoting democratic republics and promoting people’s livelihood, but also inherits some thoughts and contents of previous autonomy of Qinzhou. Overall, the progressive nature of the Gansu provisional military government is worthy of recognition. He is the first real republican government in Gansu.
1 济东矿区储装系统现状1.1 济二煤矿储煤、洗选、装车系统现状1.1.1 储煤系统现状目前济二矿圆形储煤场、产品仓、临时储煤场总储煤能力可达8.5万吨.其中,地面储煤系统设计