
来源 :数学理论与应用 | 被引量 : 1次 | 上传用户:chouyez
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We describe all degenerations of the variety(3)ot?3 of Jordan algebras of di-mension three over C.In particular,we describe all irreducible components in(3)ot?3.For every n we define an n-dimensional rigid“marginal”Jordan algebra of level one.Moreover,we
We introduce the notions of a four-angle Hopf quasimodule and an adjoint quasiaction over a Hopf quasigroup H in a symmetric monoidal category C.If H possesses an adjoint quasiaction,we show that symmetric Yetter-Drinfeld categories are trivial,and hence
Let k be a fixed algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic,let Λ be a finite dimensional self-injective k-algebra,and let V be an indecomposable non-projective left Λ-module with finite dimension over k.We prove that if τΛV is the Auslander-R
Let H be a finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebra of rank one over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.In this paper we show that any finite-dimensional indecomposable H-module is generated by one element.In particular,any indecomposable
In this article we investigate the relations between the Gorenstein projective dimensions of A-modules and their socles for n-minimal Auslander-Gorenstein algebras A.First we give a description of projective-injective A-modules in terms of their socles.Th
A Cayley graph Γ=Cay(G,S)is said to be normal if G is normal in Aut Γ.In this paper,we investigate the normality problem of the connected 11-valent symmetric Cayley graphs Γ of finite nonabelian simple groups G,where the vertex stabilizer Av is soluble fo
已知当1<a<p<∞时,有H*p=HSp=a Kp=Lp成立.一个自然的问题是H*1,HS1和L1之间的关系是什么?1970年,Davis证明了H*1=HS1.然而,到目前为止很少有关于H1和L1u之间关系的研究.在本文中,我们通过构造反例的方式说明H1(?)L1u,最终得到H1(?)L1u(?)L1.“,”As we have already known that when 1<a<p<∞,H*p=HSp=a Kp=Lp.A natural question is that what the relat
本论文考虑Helmholtz系统下分片常数性质的磁导率和介电常数的重构.首先,我们将卡尔德隆等式推广到Helmholtz系统下,然后通过对一次测量数据限制适当的条件,可以证明重构具有唯一性.这在现有文献中是全新的.“,”We consider the recovery of piecewise constants permeability and permittivity distributions in the Helmholtz system.First,the so called Calderón