围绕着领袖毛泽东,从写新中国成立的《开国大典》到国共合作的《重庆谈判》,李前宽、肖桂云拍摄了一系列描写毛泽东以及在他身边为新中国做出丰功伟绩的国家领导人形象的影片。他们不仅善于刻画领袖人物群像,还着眼于保卫领袖的人们,今年他们带来了《旭日惊雷》的故事。 影片是根据国家安全部提供的真实案例创作拍摄的。讲述的是在建国初期美蒋特务机关派遣武功高强的高级杀手段云鹏,通过各种渠道三次潜入大陆,阴谋刺杀毛泽东等党和国家领导人。他是个心狠手毒、阴险狡猾的特务,我公安人员几经曲折终于在广州一举
Around leaders Mao Zedong, from the “founding ceremony” of the founding of new China to the “Chongqing negotiations” co-sponsored by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Li Qiankuan and Xiao Guiyun took a series of films depicting Mao Zedong and the image of state leaders who made great achievements for New China at his side . Not only are they good at portraying leaders, they also look after those who defend their leaders. This year they brought the story of “Rising Sun”. The film was shot on the basis of a true casework provided by the Department of National Security. It tells the story that in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the United States and Chiang Kai-shek authorities dispatched a high-handed killer, Yun Yunpeng, to sneak into the mainland three times through various channels and plotted to assassinate Mao Zedong and other party and state leaders. He is a ruthless, poisonous, sinister and cunning spy, and after a series of twists and turns, our public security personnel finally took the initiative in Guangzhou