,Building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings: New Opportunity for South-South Human R

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From December 7 to December 8, 2017, the StateCouncil Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs joint-ly organized the first South-South Human Rights Forum in Beijing. With the topic of "Building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings: New Opportunity for South-South Human Rights De-velopment," participants conducted in-depth discussions on topics including "global human rights goveance", "inclusive development and South-South human rights cooperation", "China and the South-South cooperation", "right to education for the countries of the Glob-al South" and "poverty reduction, right to food and right to health", which achieved great consensuses and yielded results. This Forum was the first time that countries of the Global South have jointly discussed human rights issues.
摘 要:小型农田水利设施是发展农业的基础性设施,它在保障农业和农村经济持续稳定增长、提高農民生活水平、保护生态环境等方面有着不可替代的地位和作用。  关键词:农田水利;质量管理;问题  近年来,国家和地方加大对农田水利工程的投入,农村经济的快速发展,很大程度上取决于农村水利工程的建设,水利工程的建设直接影响到农业种植、养殖等各个方面,同时也与农村千家万户的切身利益息息相关。农田水利工程是农村经济社
摘 要:本文结合自我15年教育教学经验和5年教学管理经验,阐述如何制定专业教学计划及制定的思路与原则。分别从文化课、专业基础课、专业课三方面来论述。总结出制定计划过程中的四结合。要结合技工院校学生认知规律;要结合各专业培养方向和职业技能等级要求;要结合学生适应能力、创新能力的培养程度;要结合技能型人才的培养模式及特点。做实、做好这项工作,对于技工院校自身内涵发展相当重要。  关键词:计划;结合;技
摘 要:现代企业党建工作与企业文化建设在思想认识、工作作风、组织状况中存在许多的问题,特别是近几年人口老年化日益严重,离退休人员的党建工作面临了许多新情况。加强离退休党建工作,促使离退休职工队伍的稳定,是当前企业党建与企业文化建设的重要内容。笔者就针对离退休党建工作中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了加强企业党建与企业文化共生的策略。  关键词:企业党建;企业文化;离退休  1 企业离退休党建工作中存
Judicial cooperation is one of the significant com-ponents of South-South cooperation. Furthermore, in the process of South-South cooperation, the establishment
PreambleThe rule of law is a symbol of human progress, and serves as the guarantee for ensuring human rights. It is the determination and ultimate goal of the C
From December 7 to December 8 of 2017, the first "South-South Human Rights Forum" was held in Beijing. Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter
摘 要:当前,县级地方图书馆在信息时代下面临较多的挑战,尤其是传统的服务模式难以满足读者的各种需求,也难以适应新环境下图书馆新的发展方向。本文以县级地方图书馆服务模式的创新为立足点进行研究,提出了县级地方图书馆创新服务模式的几点建议,希望对县级地方图书馆的发展有所帮助。  关键词:县级;地方图书馆;服务模式;创新  一、县级地方图书馆服务模式现状及问题  当前,各种高新技术的飞速发展带来的各种机遇