夏天,太阳尽情地喷射出热情的火焰。松树懒洋洋地撑着大大的绿伞,林间盛开着不知名的野花,像蝴蝶,像星星,像眼睛,还眨呀眨的。 这时,一只身上长满了长毛的大麻蝇,像一架轰炸机似的,闯进我的视线,嗡嗡地飞在花蕊间,贪婪地吮吸着花蜜。在一棵高大松树旁,大麻蝇好像发现了新大陆,突然像箭一般向松树上扑过去,收翅停住了。我定睛一看,原来松树上停着一只又肥又壮的松毛虫,正在贪婪地食着松针。只见大麻蝇展翅站在松毛虫身上,掐紧松毛虫,尾针紧贴住松毛虫,一动一动的。过了一会儿,大麻蝇又快乐地唱着歌飞走了,那只松毛虫也安然无恙地爬来爬去。
In summer, the sun spurted with passionate flame. Larch trees lazily supported by a large umbrella, the forest filled with unknown wildflowers, like butterflies, like stars, like eyes, but also blinked. At this moment, a flesh of flesh covered with long hairs, like a bomber, broke into my sight and buzzed to fly in between my nostrils, sucking greedily with nectar. Beside a tall pine tree, the flies seem to have discovered the New World. Suddenly arrows rushed past the pine trees and stopped. I glanced over, and it turned out that there was a fat, plush pine on her pines, and she was eating greedy pine needles. I saw the flies fly wings stand pine caterpillars, pinch loose moths, tail clumps close to the caterpillar, a move. After a while, the flies fly and sing the song happily, and the pine caterpillars climb up without hesitation.