19岁,他将自己的命运和国家联系在一起,甘愿承受垦荒的艰辛; 21岁,他参与了中国第一代计算机——“红旗机”的研制; 24岁,他几乎与死神擦肩,却激发出他软件硬件双修的事业灵感,进军计算机高级语言编译系统; 38岁,他挑起了研制激光照排系统的大梁,开始了18年如一日的跋涉。他是中国激光照排之父,被誉为“当代毕昇”,中国印刷从此告别铅与火的时代,迈入电和激光的新纪元。他走出封闭的象牙塔,坚持以技术推动产业,成为科教兴国的先锋人物。他一生病魔缠身,却为我们创造了一个又一个奇迹。
At the age of 19, he linked his own destiny with the country and was willing to shoulder the hardships of reclamation. At the age of 21, he was involved in the development of China’s first generation of computer, the “Red Flag Machine,” and at age 24, But inspired his career in software hardware repair, into the computer high-level language compiler system; 38 years old, he provoked the development of the laser beam system, the beam, began 18 years as a day trek. He is the father of Chinese laser photo-rewinding, hailed as “Contemporary Bi-liter,” and China Printing has bid farewell to the era of lead and fire and entered a new era of electricity and laser. He walked out of the enclosed ivory tower and insisted on using technology to promote the industry and become a pioneer in rejuvenating the country with science and education. His life-long illness, but it has created one after another miracle for us.