访台湾伦飞实业股份有限公司行销业务处副总经理林崇恺 笔记本电脑(Notebook)近年来已成为计算机产业界的热门产品。事实上,愈来愈多的消费者购买第一部电脑时,就已考虑笔记本电脑,而非传统的台式机(Desktop)。 笔记本电脑在台湾成为信息产业大国的过程中,也扮演着举足轻重的角色。据资策会市场情报中心资料显示,1995年台湾制造出口的笔记本电脑产值为33.39亿美元,产量为2592千台,世界市场占有率高达27%。 在这些璀璨的数字背后,当然有着许多人胼手胝足的努力。成立已达12年的伦飞公司即是一例,多年的努力,早已让伦飞电脑成为台湾笔记本电脑的领先厂商。是以OEM为主,以自有品牌在世界行销的例子可说是有如凤毛麟角,但伦飞选择了这条相当辛苦的道路。“自有品牌是需要长时间努力的投资。”林崇恺的深刻体验也反映了伦飞十年来的努力成果,目前伦飞的自有品牌部分占该公司的营业额竟高达20%左右,就台湾计算机界而言,实在是很不容易。“现在还在努力推广自有品牌的台湾个人电脑厂商,只剩宏基与伦飞了。”
Visit Taiwan Lunfei Industrial Co., Ltd. Marketing Operations Deputy General Manager Lin Sung-Kai notebook computers (Notebook) in recent years has become a popular computer products industry. In fact, as more and more consumers buy the first computer, they have been thinking about laptops rather than traditional desktops. Laptops also play a decisive role in making Taiwan a big IT powerhouse. According to information from the Information Market Intelligence Center, in 1995, the output value of notebook computers manufactured in Taiwan was 3,339 million U.S. dollars, with a production volume of 2,592,000 sets and a world market share of 27%. Behind these splendid numbers, of course, there are many people who are passionate about their work. The establishment of a company that has reached 12 years is an example. With years of hard work, it has long made Lennon a leading manufacturer of notebook computers in Taiwan. Based on OEMs, the example of marketing their own brands in the world is as rare as ever. However, Lunfei chose this rather hard road. “Own brand is an investment that requires a long time hard work.” Lin Chong Kai’s profound experience also reflects the achievements of Lennon’s efforts over the past decade. At present, Lennon’s own-brand part accounts for about 20% of the company’s turnover. As far as Taiwan In terms of the computer industry, it is really not easy. “We are still working hard to promote Taiwan-based personal computer makers with their own brands, leaving only Acer and Lunfei.”