The Path of Supply—side Structural Reform

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydzdems
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  【Abstract】Since China’s economic development has entered a new normal, the economic growth rate has begun to fall sharply. On the surface, the decline in the growth rate reflects the insufficiency of effective demand, but on the contrary, it reflects the insufficiency of the internal growth power. The supply system can not adapt to the development and change of demand structure, which leads to the mismatch of supply and demand structure and the imbalance of economic structure. Structural problems have become the current economic development in China. The main contradiction exists, and the main aspect of the contradiction is on the supply side.
  【Key words】new normal; supply and demand structure; supply side
  1. Stimulating new supply and creating new demand
  Say’s law, put forward by Jean-Baptiste Say, a French economist, holds that supply can create demand on its own, and that supply and demand remain constant, and there will be no overproduction. Neo-supply economics indicates that only under certain conditions can supply create demand on its own.In the stage of new supply formation and expansion, supply can create demand by itself, but when supply is mature and aging, supply can not create demand.
  Even in the stage of new supply formation and expansion, because of cost constraints and institutional constraints, supply can not create demand on its own, and even some new supply can not form productivity because of too many constraints. Therefore, the task of our country at this stage is to create conditions, remove many restrictions on supply, and through structural adjustment on the supply side, make more demand created continuously, so as to promote the economic growth of our country.
  The new demand and supply in the future will be embodied in the field of “soft wealth” represented by knowledge, information, finance, culture and other social services. These soft wealth do not consume or rarely consume the earth’s resources, and the source of wealth creation mainly depends on human thinking and activities. In the economic structure of the United States, these kinds of soft wealth account for 79% of the total economy of the United States, while in China, the number is only 49%. In the future, China’s economy will have a very broad space for development in these areas.
  For those manufacturing industries with “hard wealth” as the main body, the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry should be carried out to give more soft value to traditional manufacturing industry. Although Detroit’s car products, which have a “car city” in the United States, are sold to the states of the United States and even exported overseas, they end up with bankruptcy, and the economy of Detroit has never recovered. However, industries closely related to Detroit, such as car cleaning, car insurance, car advertising and so on, are profitable.   2. Optimizing the Industrial Structure from the New Supply Economic Cycle
  In supply-oriented economics, the development of technology and industry, the interaction between supply and demand, and the change of supply and demand structure are the main reasons for the cyclical fluctuation of economy. From the perspective of supply side and supply structure change, the complete economic cycle includes four stages: new supply formation, supply expansion, supply maturity and supply aging.
  It is not difficult to find that when most industries in a country are in the stage of new supply formation and supply expansion, the country’s economy will maintain a higher growth rate. When most industries are in the stage of mature supply and aging supply, the country’s economy will fall into a downturn, the speed of economic growth will slow down, even in a long-term stagnation.
  In fact, even very hot technology and industry will eventually enter the stage of supply maturity and aging. Whether through the guidance of national policies or through economic strategic planning to increase and reduce supply, supply aging or technology cycle problems can not be avoided in the end. When problems arise in the country’s economic structure and factors of production are excessively concentrated in industries with mature supply and aging supply, stimulating demand through monetary policy alone or implementing economic strategic planning can not effectively solve the structural problems of the economy.
  The implementation of the strategy of “loosening supply” is an effective way to solve the structural problems of the economy. After the release of supply, the production cost of enterprises has been effectively reduced, thus breaking the disadvantageous situation in which the production and sales of products are in a predicament, making the market solve the problem of excess capacity under the transmission mechanism of cost and price, and establishing a balance between supply and demand in a short period of time. Factor of production is transferred to the new supply structure.
【摘要】随着新课改的不断推进,中职英语教学已不局限于让学生掌握基础的英语知识和简单的语言沟通技能,而是更多地考虑英语教学的网络化、信息化发展,致力于让英语成为学生日常生活的一部分,并让他们掌握更加科学的英语学习工具。因此,以微课为导向的中职英语教学探索已经成为中职英语教师的重要教研内容。本文据此浅谈微课在教学中的应用策略和方法,希望能为其他中职英语教师提供必要的教学建议。  【关键词】微课;中职英
【摘要】随着移动信息技术的快速发展,移动学习在人们的工作学习中也发挥着日益重要的作用。其中微信,作为一种同时集发送图片,文字,文档,链接,语音,视频等多功能于一体的手机通讯软件,被应用于各种用途的英语口语教学中。其中包括雅思托福口语教学,大学英语口语教学,中学英语口语教学等。本文主要讨论微信在初中英语口语教学中的应用。  【关键词】微信;初中英语口语;教学  【作者简介】熊利,女,汉族,四川内江人
【摘要】一语习得、二语习得、外语学习三者间在基本特征上存在很多异同,如习得/学习主体、语言环境、方式、心理特征、动机和语言输入等。本文探讨了与语言习得和外语学习相关的理论,并从服务于外语教学的角度整理出能应用于外语教学中的教学观念。  【关键词】一语习得;二语习得;外语学习;理论性分析  【Abstract】First Language Acquisition, Second Language A
【摘要】多元文化是人类社会在发展进程中,随着社会结构的不断复杂化,人际交往的日益频繁化,信息流通范围的扩大化而生的产物,也是事物发展多样性的必然结果。因此,本文在立足大学英语教学现状的基础上,对关于多元文化环境下英语语言文化教学策略改革展开探讨。  【关键词】多元文化环境;英语教学;语言文化;策略改革  【作者简介】丛月香(1981.02-),天津人,对外经济贸易大学英语学院在职人员高级课程研修班
【Abstract】Enemies, one of the most famous short stories by Anton Chekhov, tells a story between a doctor and a patient’s husband. They become enemies because of selfishness, lacking of understanding,
【摘要】四、六级英语写作评分标准对英语写作教学具有一定的负面效应,为提高学生的写作质量,制订切实可行的评分标准是当前英语写作教师的当务之急。本文基于写作课程教学实践,尝试从英语文章的结构和写作规范方面制订操作性较强的评分标准,为英语写作课程提供诊断反馈和促进作用。  【关键词】大学英语;四、 六级考试;写作;评分标准  一、 问题的提出  全国大规模英语考试,如大学英语四、六级考试,英语专业四、八
【摘要】随着英语核心素养的提出,这一新理念对学生的发展以及教师的教学都产生了非常重要的影响。作为教师,我们要深刻理解语言能力、文化意识、思维品质、学习能力,不断提升自己的教学水平和能力。本文旨在通过打造灵动的英语课堂,发展学生的英语核心素养。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语;灵动课堂  【作者简介】黄建雄,茂名市第十六中学。  前言  “核心素养”是根据国际、国内新形势,在原有“新课标”的基础上的