Analysis reported 2 cases of typical heroin-induced acute renal failure patients. All men, mean age 31 years old, developed noninvasive rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, impaired liver function, and anemia after intravenous injection of heroin. One case of serious illness, coma 10h, sustained oliguria 20d, accompanied by double lower extremity fascia gap syndrome, severe liver function and blood system damage. 1 case was hemodiafiltration 5 times, the other 1 case of continuous blood purification 23 times and symptomatic and supportive treatment, were cured. Clinical observations show that heroin-induced acute renal failure has its own clinical features, mainly non-traumatic rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, liver damage and anemia. Continuous blood purification is an effective treatment for severe heroin-induced acute renal failure.