烏魯木齊市的賽馬場四周,人聲鼎沸,觀众正興致勃勃地等待着第三屆全國少數民族傳統體育運動会的「賽駱駝」。只見裁判員的令旗一揮,五峯身驅寵大的駱駝在主人的駕御下,揚尾奔跑,其笨拙的動作,蹣跚的步履,引起觀众陣陣笑聲。 這屆運動会是今年八月在新疆舉行的,來自五十五個少數民族的一千一百名代表歡聚一起,表演了一百一十個傳統體育項目,包括賽馬、叼羊、搶花炮、射箭、射弩、摔跤、盪鞦韆等。這些充滿鄉土氣息的表演和比賽,顯示了各族人民的風土人情和精神風貌。源於生產的運動方式
Urumqi, the racetrack around, voices, the audience is excited to wait for the Third National Traditional Sports Games “camels.” I saw the referee wave flag waving, Wufeng body pet big camel in the master’s control, tail run, his clumsy movements, hobbled walking, causing the audience burst into laughter. The Games were held in Xinjiang in August this year. 1,100 delegates from 55 minorities gathered to perform 110 traditional sports including horse racing, goat, fireworks, archery , Crossbow, wrestling, swinging and so on. These local performances and competitions show the customs and spirit of all ethnic groups. From the production of sports